• Since its inception, the SJBO Umpire Program has been built from the ground up, offering opportunities for young officials to grow, develop, and play a critical role in our league. It has been an honor to create and oversee this program, and I am incredibly proud of the umpires who have stepped up to serve our baseball community.

    As we continue to evolve, SJBO will be transitioning our umpire program to NYBUA (Northwest Youth Baseball Umpires Association), which will be the vendor we’ll be utilizing this season for all SJBO league games and invitational tournaments. Many of you may have already heard about this shift. While it’s bittersweet, it is a necessary step to ensure the sustainability and growth of the program beyond what I can manage personally.

    I truly appreciate the calls/texts and concerns from some of you about SJBO no longer running the umpire program internally. Please know that this decision was not made lightly. Ultimately, we were unable to secure a volunteer to manage the transition, which led us to this necessary change.

    With this transition, all umpires—both returning and new—will now need to register through NYBUA. To help with this process, we are hosting an Informational Night on Sunday at 6 PM. During this session, representatives from NYBUA will walk through everything you need to know about training, game assignments, and next steps for getting involved.

    I strongly encourage all current and aspiring umpires to attend. This is an exciting opportunity to take your umpiring experience to the next level while continuing to serve our community.

    Thank you for your dedication, and I look forward to seeing many of you on Sunday!

    Meeting Details:
    Date: Sunday, 6 PM
    Zoom Link: Join the Informational Meeting

    Best regards,

    Rick Dooley

  • Join us for our 2024 Gear Swap on APRIL 19, 2025 from 9:00AM to 4:00PM.

    If you have youth baseball gear in good used condition, please consider passing it along to another Sherwood JBO family at our swap this April 19, during picture day!

    Open to all baseball families, at any level in Sherwood, Competitive and Recreational levels. ⁣

    ♻️ Saturday, April 19, 2025⁣

    ♻️ TBD

    ♻️ Good used condition baseball gear for all levels of play. ⁣Cleats, pants, helmets, bats, gloves, batting gloves, jackets, rain gear—anything your household has outgrown!

    Anything left at the end of the day will be added to our gear buckets for future players.

  • Our annual board meeting and elections will be held October 27, 2024 at 7:00pm at Sherwood Middle School Community Room.

    The evening's agenda will be as follows:

    • Opening, R. Dooley
      Board Introductions, Board Members
      Review of Open Positions, R. Dooley
      - Tournament Coordinator
      - Umpire Coordinator
      - T-Ball Coordinator
      - Concessions Coordinator
      Open Floor Nominations, Board
      Elections, R. Dooley
      Closing, R. Dooley

  • 2024 Spring Baseball is right around the corner! I share some important updates regarding our field maintenance efforts as we prepare for another fantastic year on the diamond.

    First, and something long overdue. I am thrilled to announce that our JBO fields at Hawks View and Sherwood Middle School will receive professional landscaping expertise this season. Thanks to a partnership SJBO arranged with Dennis' 7 Dees, the fields will be in top-notch condition for our competitive JBO teams to enjoy this Spring, including nearly 40 yards of Sandy Loam soil to fill the infield!

    However, it's equally important to ensure that all our players, regardless of age or skill level, have access to safe and well-prepared fields. We are calling upon the Sherwood Junior Baseball community to join forces for a special Field Day at Ridges Elementary on Saturday, April 20th, from 8 am to 2 pm. We are asking families and players to volunteer a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 hours for this event.

    This year, given that the JBO families will benefit from the newly formed partnership with Dennis' 7 Dees, we're combining efforts across all levels—JBO and Recreation—to get the Ridges Elementary fields prepped and ready for play. By coming together as one cohesive team, we can ensure that every child in our program has the opportunity to play on fields that are clean, safe, and conducive to a great baseball experience.

    To make this event a success, we rely on each family to bring yard care supplies to assist with the clean-up effort. Your items, such as rakes, shovels, gloves, and wheelbarrows, will be greatly appreciated and are crucial to our collective effort.

    Let's demonstrate our community spirit and dedication to our young athletes by making Field Day at Ridges Elementary a memorable and productive event. Your participation and support are invaluable and greatly appreciated in shaping a positive baseball experience for our players.

    The coaches and coordinators will be following up with everyone over the next week to confirm attendance; for whatever reason, if you are not able to make it, we understand, but for 2024, we are asking every family in the program to chip in to volunteer in some capacity for the kids and the community. So please let your coaches and the coordinators know so we can confirm we have the volunteers to pull off Field Day at Ridges Elementary - on Saturday, April 20th from 8 am - 2 pm.

    Thank you for your continued commitment to Sherwood Junior Baseball. Together, we can make a difference!

  • BREAKING NEWS: On December 22, 2023, Junior Baseball of Oregon-Sherwood (SJBO) released the following statement: SJBO Press Release (12.22.23)

    Questions can be directed to the Sherwood Police Department per the release details.

    The SJBO Board of Directors appreciate the community's continued support as we work diligently to provide transparency to the community with our eyes firmly set on providing the youth of Sherwood a safe and fun environment for baseball.